Sunday, March 2, 2014

Oh Canada (Princess Diaries Style) and Praying for Priesthood

Sister missionaries tend to get to a point on their missions where they can hardly bear to wear their own cloths anymore. I think I have hit that point. This week I had to laugh when I got a letter from my mom bringing up the idea of wearing my companions cloths. I chuckled to myself, "Oh, if you only knew!" For about the past 4 weeks we have all been wearing each others cloths to keep our sanity under control. We find out "transfer doctrine" this Friday which means I might be loosing half of my wardrobe along with the sisters in my apartment.

I WENT TO THE SACRAMENTO TEMPLE THIS WEEK!!! 8 of my ancestors were able to receive their endowments on Thursday. The temple is such a special place. Unfortunately I was so tired the whole time being at the temple because the night before I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. That's okay though, I was still able to feel the wonderful peaceful feelings of the temple, and I personally help a relative to receive an ordinance necessary for salvation. I can't remember her name, but she died 180 years ago.

Yay.. I met up with Sister Van Wie my trainer at the Temple this week!! Love this girl!!

This week we saw so many miracles. I will share 2 of my favorites. First, our ward has been lacking priesthood holders bad. We barely have enough priesthood holders to pass the sacrament. For the past 3 weeks we have been praying and praying that we can be able to find the elect men who are prepared to receive the gospel, be baptized and receive the priesthood. Well this week we realized that our entire teaching pool consists of men aside from our 1 female investigator. And all are progressing so quickly!
Second, Saturday night kept going all wrong. Every single thing we had plan from A-Z kept falling through! By the end of the night we were all exhausted and just wanted to go home, not to mention there is a bad bug going around and everyone in our zone is getting sick. This last week I have been feeling pretty lousy. So Saturday night all I wanted was to go to bed. We had about 15 minutes left before we needed to start heading back so we decided to head back and confirm appointments on the phone for the last 15 minutes. As we were driving Sister Beach thought we should so stop and go to a less active members home. Even though we were exhausted we agreed. As we were walking up to this persons apartment we ran into a guy and attempted to share the gospel with him and invite him to church. He was completely uninterested. normally we would at least leave a pass along card with people even if they aren't interested, but this time we didn't. When we got to the door of our less actives apartment we could tell they were home but no matter how many times we knocked they were not going to answer. We were pretty discouraged. Finally someone answered and we found out that she wasn't even home anyway. We turned to go back to our car when the guy who was uninterested stopped us and said "So I think I should go to your church next weekend. What time does it start, and where is it at? I am looking for the right church and I think I will try this one out."
We were shocked! the amazing part of the whole thing is that we NEVER would have met this guy if ANY of our other appointments hadn't fallen through! It was a miracle! God works in mysterious ways!

Moment of the Week:
Actually this is a moment that tends to follow me everywhere I go in the mission. My companions love singing "Oh Canada" to me, but no one ever knows how the anthem actually goes and it always comes out to the tune of "Genovia" from Princess Diaries:

"Oh Canada, the land I call my own,
Oh Canada, Oh CAAAANADA!
Forever, may you banner wave!"

Some random guy with a Canadian Shirt!! Just had to stop and take a pic!

Sister Eisert, Sister Beach, Hermana Law, and Hermana Whitney (The other set of sisters who live at our apartment) always break into song singing this to me while waving their hands as if it is a little flag. They are so funny!

Lots of Love,
Sister Carter

PS... I have 2 desired callings when I returned home, so Bishop (Dad), take note. I have become SOOO excited about family history. All I want to do is family history work and missionary work. So, if there happens to be a need for a family history consultant or ward missionary in a year from now, keep me in mind!

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